Tim's Experimentation Log
Item Name – Big Kielbasa
Packaging – Each specimen is sealed in a small easily opened container.
Item Appearance – Looks like a normally made sausage.
Item Taste – The flavor was beefy with a distinct blend of spice and salt..
Effect of First Dose – Upon ingestion of the first piece, no effects were perceived in the first thirty seconds. After that small time interval, I had to remove my pants and underwear to measure my sudden arousal. Previously my penis was 9 inches long when hard and roughly 2 inches in diameter. This sausage had increased that to 15 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. A total growth of 6 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter.
Effect of Second Dose – After a time delay, like the first one, growth began again. Measuring revealed that my anatomy rivaled most horses, being 21 inches long and 3 inches thick. No adverse effects noted, even with the needed blood to keep myself aroused. It is as though My body just seems to produce enough.
Effect of Third Dose – The same results happened as the previous doses. As before I measured, revealing a length this time of 27 inches long and 4 inches thick. At this rate, I may become immobilized.
Effect of Fourth Dose – The doses will all be the same, as my fourth dose proved. As much as the proof has been shown, I will be giving measurements of my penis length and girth for each of these spicy treats. Length is now 33 inches and diameter is 5 inches.
Effect of Fifth Dose – As I am nearing immobilization, I readied an extra long measuring station and a sling to rest my penis in safely. Erect, it is now 39 inches long and 6 inches in diameter.
Effect of Sixth Dose – I believe I am now mildly hyper, as far as my beliefs go. My measuring station was comfortable this time, as it gave me a measurement of 45 inches long and 7 inches in diameter.
Effect of Seventh Dose – The sling seems to have lost some of its structural integrity, as there was a sight . I suppose I should have predicted the added mass better. As for the measurements, the length is now 51 inches and the diameter is 8 inches.
Effect of Eighth Dose – Due to the size, I considered just remaining with my penis on the measuring station I put together. Current size is 57 inches long and 9 inches in diameter. My diameter has now reached my length I was when it began.
Effect of Ninth Dose – In the penultimate dose, I decided to abort the harness ans managed, with only a little difficulty, to remain standing at my measuring implement. The measurement for this stage is 63 inches in length and 10 inches in diameter.
Effect of Tenth Dose – The final dose makes me think the harness would have broke definitely. I have reached true hyper sizes with this dose, as my size is one inch shorter than my total height an the width is just short of a foot in diameter. The final measurement of this test is 69 inches in length and 11 inches in diameter.
Experiment Conclusion – The kielbasas tested on me produced a growth of 6 inches in length and one inch in diameter consistently. I will adjust the newer models to differentiate and grow between 1 and 6 inches in length and be consistent with the 1/6 proportion thickness growth.