I am in Berkeley,Calif, where the Jewel is. A friend(?) of mine is going to have a baby. To my surprise, she is giving birth at home. Midwives.(birth is bloody & messy). If that isn't enough, guests are coming in.
The woman is giving birth in a tub, and has a black haystack between her legs. (didn't shave there !). At least 2 of the guests inquire about the placenta, and I am disturbed. I inquire. I am shaken by the fact that they are all going to eat the placenta for dinner ! The cook is preparing the stewpot and seasonings, and says some stuff about "letting the placenta talk to him as he cooks it."
I wish now to just leave. Bloody childbirth in a tub is bad enough, but eating the filthy placenta ? I just wish to leave and not come back. I never really cared for Berkeley life, and this !
(I saw a bunch of bloody childbirth pics on SpaceGhetto and never want to see a childbirth again !)
Awright, here's a hypothetical. I am in Berkeley,Calif, where the Jewel is. A friend(?) of mine is