Very loose and sloppy but I LOVE working with color, and the color scheme of tron uprising (The cartoon) is so much fun to play with (Which is a really good show btw I highly recommend it.)
I’ll probably do more things like this in the future, helps keep things fresh.
Ah, thanks for the rec. Hated the story in the sequel and I'll be honest, the movie's look put me off. Of all the movies in the 'verse Tron is the one that should look like CGI!
Ah, thanks for the rec. Hated the story in the sequel and I'll be honest, the movie's look put me of
Check out the cartoon series if you can though, as that's what I was basing this off of. The art in the show is more stylized and the story is better than the movies imo.
Check out the cartoon series if you can though, as that's what I was basing this off of. The art in
cant wait for the new tron movie coming in a few years. but it's a bummer that tron uprising got canceled after only one season :( guess it doesn't matter's a prequel, and I don't recall anyone being in tron legacy except bartick (if that was the same person...he didn't have the eye scar in uprising).
cant wait for the new tron movie coming in a few years. but it's a bummer that tron uprising got can