"Ah, Jon. He's really something else, you know. He's literally unlike any of the other boys around since he really seems to... well, avoid being overly sexual. Like, it seems like most of us anthro folk are all about rutting. Heck, even I'm pretty bad for it. But Jon? It's not like he's NOT into it, it's just... hm...
Well he definitely likes 'softcore,' you know what I mean?
So, yeah, he's one of the few guys I can say I've actually been on dates with. You know, real dates. The kind where you take someone out to lunch, hit up an arcade, and then take them home. There's no cheesy pick-up lines tossed into the middle of a meal, no clumsy fondling of my boobs at any given chance... just a nice evening with a sweet boy. He's also the only one that knows I'm a clone. Yeah, he knows, but he didn't really believe me when I told him...
... In a way, I kinda worry about what he thinks of me for it. He keeps hanging out with me though, so it can't be anything too bad.
And let's get this out in the open right now: I know the guy wants to plough me like a back-street in the winter-time. I tease him about it sometimes. But you know, I wouldn't mind that either!"
- Milkette Souris~♥
Jon and Milkette take a trip to an arcade. So some doofus is using one of the light bikes on one of the machines - so what? It's a great excuse to ride double on just one!
Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket, Jon?
Nah. I know it ain't. At least try not to make a mess back there, alright? She's trying to focus.
Nah, I just know Milkette. Most dudes are ones where she gets to play the defense angle and bat away the perverted hand, but Jon's just the kind of guy that I imagine puts her on the other side of things, happy to get closer than he'd ever go himself~
Nah, I just know Milkette. Most dudes are ones where she gets to play the defense angle and bat away
Oh, well in that train of thought I suppose you'd be absolutely right! ;3 It's so very backwards, and probably so very surprising. Jon isn't one of those meat-heads, not a horse-cocked fuck-god... he's a guy~ Just a fox-guy, with this mouse-babe grinding on his junk.
Oh, well in that train of thought I suppose you'd be absolutely right! ;3 It's so very backwards, an