Laying down enjoying some warm Lumasian spiced red tea and a good book. Enjoying some quiet time with a soft cool breeze and the city’s ambiance coming through the window. The tea has a taste of ginger and cloves, sweetened with rock sugar. A nice evening to himself.
Something I did for myself to break up catch-up and art stress. I need to get other shit done, but damnit, it felt good to do this pic. It really didn’t actually take too long. only about 3 sit-downs on the graphite work, maybe an hour on the digital minus my intermittent internet breaks and such. Not my best work, it’s a bit flawed here and there, but not bad. It’s a mix of my graphite and the base and digital work to compliment.
(Yeah, I need to post more often and expand to using sites. I've threatened it a lot in the past. but if I'm still gettin faves on my old stuff here, I should probably go ahead and return to posting here)