"Thalia Leandra te Miriell Diannley, the long lost twin of the heroine. A former courtesan and and skilled fencer. She knows exactly when she can act her way out or lets her swords sing. Celia te Miriell Diannley, the quirky big sister. A quirky, cheerful and quite chaotic girl that mastered the rare art to manipulate and travel through time. Madness now comes in white and cute. Thianna Lyriella te Miriall Diannley, heroine of the story and a powerful mage. She knows how to play mindgames and how to set the rules for herself. Word is that the gods themselves listen to her songs. And probably the only member of the black magic guilds who wears pink. Selenia, a chimera betreen an elf and a earth spirit, a good friend, reliable ally and definitly not one you want to pick on while being in the woods. Leandra Vellune, a.k.a Luna Darnelle. A bounty hunter and old friend of the family. She is hot stuff (quite literally) and got the hots for the ladies - but she never lets a friend"