some long time ago, I decided to make myself a "Femsona". because I mostly RPed as females, so I felt it appropreate to also create a female persona that would be my image character when I played females. while keeping my main fursona for when I RP as male. and since I had recently redrawn my main fursona, I felt it needed to draw my Femsona again. and decided to give her a little extra growth where it counts. for a point of refferance, here's one of the last pics I drew her in.
Yeah. definately bigger. she's around 20, and like me, she's nearly 21. about 2 months away in fact. definatelly going to have had some growth since then. =w=
and those that may have trouble seeing it, sinse it's hard for me to draw it clearly, she's holding up the front of her t-shirt to let out her tits. just making that clear.