Ruan is a world that I've had in my head for a few years now, and it keeps evolving and changing and eating up my other world ideas to make this big but vaguely laid out thing.
Luckily, through a World Design class I was taking, I had the chance to flesh it out a bit more, but it still has a long way to go.
This is a shot of some of the more intact parts of the Underground Bunker that the protagonist of this little exploratory story wakes up in.
Looks like some stasis chambers have failed. Such a situation was in an animated Superman episode. Krypton when it exploded, took another world with it. Xenon was knocked from its orbit. One family took refuge in stasis chambers, but only one person survived to when Superman,in a protective suit, paid a visit to Xenon, past the belt of kryptonite meteors.
Kara alone remained in hibernation. Her family were mummified when their cells were wrecked. Indeed, one body was impaled by a beam !
Kara became Supergirl. The cartoon made a rough jump in continuity.
Looks like some stasis chambers have failed. Such a situation was in an animated Superman episode. K