I am joining the new group, PMDUnity after PMDExplorers shut down last September. Arma is still filling the first slot, yet Kuro is being replaced Altador. The reason will be revealed later on~
Since accessory did not carry over from PMDe to PMDu, poor Arma has to lost his cool glasses, hope i can make something good from the soon be revealed new accessories >.<
Anyhow, please enjoy my new team^^
Armadino- Sandshrew, Male, 13 years old
An amnesiac sandshrew who suddenly found himself wandering on the plains outskirt Andalust. He lost most of his memory, especially who he is and how he ended up there. He carried with him a letter of admittance addressed for "Armadino", thus he assumed that's his name. He found Altador stranded in a sandstorm. After a quick introduction, the two agreed to journey together to Andalust to find more information.
Altador- Meowstic, Male, 14 years old
A young prince from faraway country. He is on a journey with his twin sister to see the world. He didn't like being away from comfort at home. But he dislikes more being away from his sister, who proposed the journey in order to prepare themselves to rule in the future. A freak sandstorm separate him from his entourage, and especially his sister. After some time wandering around aimlessly, he met Armadino who guided him away from the storm. He decided to tag along with the amnesiac shrew to find his sister.
-Power; A bit below average, but that still mean a lot for a ground type
-Defense; his hard skin isn't just for show, can easily tank damage
-Combat; never had any formal combat training
-Moral; If you think his skin is pretty solid, his determination is even stronger
-Health; The shrew will take a lot to be put down
-Academics; He eats books for breakfast, lunch, dinner and between meals.
-Folklore; He knows, but not that much
-Memory; His attention to detail is amazing
-Strategy; He can formulate various strategy in and outside battle. His mind never stop to look for a way
-Innovation; His paws are magic, always tinkering, took apart and rebuilt something
-Speed; His speed stats is nothing to write home about
-Movement; and so is his movement speed
-Tactics; But as long as there's ground below him, he can move around pretty quickly
-Observation; His observation skill can spot even the slightest thing, even in battle
-Dexterity; He needs fast hand to be able to operate delicate machinery quickly
-Charm; Well, he looks nerdish, not the trait girls like
-Status; He doesn't like to stand out, so hardly anyone know him
-Tongue; Thought he is fluent in his tongue, at least when explaining complex thing in a way that can be understood by common folks
-Intimidation; Nobody is intimidated by small shrew
-Empathy; Even though he didn't look like it. He cares.
-Power; A prince does not need to fight
-Defense; Since he never fight, he should never be hit
-Combat; Just let those capable handle the fight
-Moral; Cowardice he is not
-Health; But fragile he is
-Academics; He loves reading books. But he doesn't like studying that much
-Folklore; Which is why he knows a lot about every lore of the world
-Memory; Often forgetful of things he finds uninteresting
-Strategy; Still an amateur at forming strategy
-Innovation; Also an amateur at inventing, but his heart is there
-Speed; The young prince is fast
-Movement; He might not very fast on his feet
-Tactics; But the terrain means nothing to him
-Observation; He focused too much on his path, he never observed anything else
-Dexterity; But how he is very dexterous
-Charm; He just need to stand and look pretty to get attention
-Status; He is a prince after all, even though they did not believe his royalty, he knows how to bring himself
-Tongue; I swear his tongue is forked!
-Intimidation; Sadly he is too cute to intimidate anyone
-Empathy; He should be, if he want to be a good ruler someday
11 years, 2 months ago
26 Dec 2013 17:13 CET
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