“....No pony...Any pony?” Washington shouted into the darkness of the black pole forest before hearing voices.
“No changes yet.” Washington heard.
“What?” He said, groggy and with his eyes closed. he hadn't opened his eyes yet but the voice sounded familiar. “How long have I been out?” he thought. “Who spoke just now?”.
He opened his eyes and Immediately shut them. “Too bright.” he then thought. “Slower and it will be fine.”.
He squinted his eyes opened. Brightness of the room kept them squinted for several seconds before Washington eyes adjusted. He opened his eyes wider now.
“I think he’s waking up!” he heard a familiar voice shout. Everything was still blurry for Washington.
“Hey.” he said back simply. He licked his lips, finding them dried and slightly cracked. He tried to set himself upright but stopped when he tried to use his right front leg.
“Ow.” he said dully as it happened.
“Stay down Wash. They haven’t removed the leg yet.” said someone.
Washington’s eyes were now as sharp as a hawks from the pain. The pain was duller than before when it should have been sharper. “They have given me something.” Washington thought. He looked up and saw Granny Smith, Applejack, and Big Macintosh standing around him.
“How’s everything?” Washington asked.
“What do you mean “How’s everything?”” he thought to himself. “Your monstrosity of a leg is still on you, your quest is probably done for, and now you have to answer to your family for everything. But that’s a pessimist view. You shouldn't have those. You haven't had those for the past few years so why have them now?”.
“Everything is fine. Doozer and Brill and some others have been taking your place at the farm. How are you feeling?” asked Applejack.
“Drugged. What have they given me?” Washington asked.
“The heavy stuff.” replied Big Macintosh.
“May I have some water?” Washington asked realizing his throat had a feeling of shredded cotton balls.
Big Macintosh swung a table that was connected to bed that Washington was laying on. Applejack poured a glass of water, stuck a straw in and placed it in front of Washington. Washington propped himself on his good leg and drank some, licking his lips after. He noticed the IV drip in his leg and was careful not to mess with the tubing or wires
“Thank you. How long have I been out?” Washington asked. He rubbed his eyes with his good hoof and cleared them of crust that one gets when sleeping after a dirty day of work.
“Three days.” said Granny Smith, worried still.
“They haven’t done anything in three days?” Washington asked.
“There was an accident. The operating room has been full before you even left for Scourge.” explained Big Macintosh.
“Ah.” Washington said as he scooted himself more upright. He noticed his front right leg was in view and as many more wires and tubes coming out of it than his good leg. He quickly covered it. “What else has happened since I’ve been out?” he then asked.
“We’ve been worried. Everyone has. What happened?” asked Applejack bluntly.
“Well, I found Scourge. He was already marked for death when I found him. He got in contact with a wild pack of wolves. I waited until by him until he passed and I started to make his grave.” Washington said, slowly remembering everything vividly now. “I was placing the last rock on his grave when I felt my leg stiffen up and become painful. I tore off my coat and armor and found flesh had suddenly grown on it while the prosthetic was still on. I dragged myself to the Diamond Dogs and the last thing I remember was you guys were taking me here.”.
“That’s not what I’m asking.” asked Applejack.
Washington frowned. “If you’re asking how it happened. I can't say just yet.” He explained.
“Washington!” said Big Macintosh, annoyed and talking as if to a child or a dog that had done something wrong.
Washington sighed and said “I’m sorry but I don't know. I think it could be part of the quest but I can't say for sure why it happened at all just yet . There is a probable answer though. Once I’m out of here. I will check.”.
“That’s not good enough. Your leg suddenly comes back, your wife is looking for you. You have a Wife? Why didn’t you tell us that?” said Applejack.
“I.. Wait...What?” Washington asked confused. “I don’t have a wife.”.
“Minty Cool Breeze? Ring a bell?” asked Applejack.
Washington’s eyes widen. “Minty? She’s not here, is she? That mare’s crazy!” Washington said panicked.
“What now?” asked Applejack .
“Minty and I were friends when I was a colt and she was a filly back home.” Washington explained.
“Go on.” said Granny Smith.
“Well... one day there were a group of bullies called her ugly and a bunch of nasty names. She left in tears and I followed her to console her. To make her feel better, I said I would marry her. I meant it as if were adults, I would marry her as an option. She took it as a marriage proposal and has been relentless ever since.” Washington explained further.
Everyone just looked at Washington before Granny Smith snicked for a second before everypony but Washington went into a laughing riot.
“You... proposed!” Applejack said, rolling on the ground and laughing.
“Shut up. It’s not funny.” Washington said, blushing. “Well their mood changed fast. Let's go with that.” He thought. “I was just trying to be nice. I didn’t propose.” he said and then thought“At least the subject of your leg is gone.”.
“My sides!” said Big Macintosh. “They hurt so much now.”.
Everypony but Washington kept laughing for a few more minutes until they calmed down. All were still grinning though.
“Okay...” Applejack managed to say though her heavy breathing. “Wa..What are you getting your sweetheart for hearts and hooves day?” she managed to say, mangling the last few syllables in laughter.
Granny Smith and Big Macintosh joined Applejack in laughter again for several more moments as Washington sighed and face hoofed.
“Are you done now?” Washington asked. “I’d rather talk about my leg now.” he now thought.
Everypony calmed down again, still grinning and said “Yes.”.
“How did she find you?” asked Applejack.
“She might have found out that I sent my mother that letter and guessed where I was.” Washington theorized.
“But she knew your leg was missing.” said Applejack.
“She did? How....Oh....” said Washington in realization.
“What?” asked Granny Smith.
“When I was at the store, the shopkeeper took his sweet time getting the parts and I thought I heard a voice I recognized in the back....She knows I’m an engineer and part of the Apple Family. She probably just waited out there until I came. I went to the library first to check on Twilight and Spike, then to Fluttershy’s cabin to check up on something before returning home. She might have waited a few minutes after I left the shop and tried to follow me but I wasn’t going back home right away so she went on a wild goose chase....This is bad.” said Washington in a worried tone.
“Why is it bad?” asked Big Macintosh. “You got a special some pony now.” he then said giggling.
“She ain’t my special some pony! She’s crazy! She won’t listen to anything I say and keeps insisting we get married and trust me, I tried a lot to get through to her.” said Washington, slightly frantic.
“Like what?” asked Applejack.
“Everything! I tried reasoning, bribery, the cold shoulder, even tried to pair her up with some pony else. She does not listen! I even tried to have some pony else to say lay off, saying I’m her husband. Nothing works. Even when I moved for college, she followed. She won’t stop until I’m hers or dead and I don’t think she will stop at my death either to get me.” said Washington.
“Wow. She really is after you.” said Big Macintosh, impressed.
“If you see her, claim ignorance of me. I don’t want to involve you guys and I think it would be the best way.” said Washington.
“You want us to lie?” asked Granny Smith, concerned.
“I don’t want you to. But I think you’ll have to unless you prefer telling the truth.” said Washington.
The three looked at each other and nodded in agreement. “Thank you.” said Washington.
The nurse walked in the room jumped in surprise of Washington’s conscience. “Doctor! He’s awake!” she shouted.
A few seconds later an orange haired unicorn with brown mane walked in announcing “Hello, I’m Doctor Stable.”.
“Nice to meet you.” said Washington.
“You’ve been out for quite a while.” said Doctor Stable. He walked over to Washington’s right side and put his stethoscope on his chest.
“Three days of comatose from my understanding. I understand that there are many ill from a recent accident.” said Washington.
“Yes. The ER and OR has been filled for the past few days. Your leg please.” asked Doctor Stable.
Washington took his covers off and the Doctor examine his leg and said “I can’t move it much without much pain. I need it removed.”.
“Hmm.. How did this happen?” asked Doctor Stable, looking closely at the leg.
“Ancient magic is the most likely corporate, though I would need to investigate after you remove it.” said Washington.
“Hmm... Well the operating hall is ready now. We will be heading down there in a little bit. Anything you need first?” Doctor Stable said, looking at a nearby clipboard.
“How long do you think the healing will take?” Washington asked.
“You’ll be here for a week after the surgery for sure. Then it depends on how the stub’s healing. 2 weeks to a month I’d say.” answered Doctor Stable.
Washington sighed saying “2 to 4 weeks?”.
“I’m sorry but with that leg, I’m surprised you’re even sitting up.” said Doctor Stable. “But now it’s time to prep you. A nurse will be in just a couple of seconds and you’ll be in surgery before you know it. Apple family, if you would please follow me, we’ll talk about any concerns.” he then said, ushering Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Applejack out of the room. As they were outside the door, the nurse came by with a cart and entered the room, closing the door.
“Did he say what happened?” asked Doctor Stable to the Apple family.
“No. He gave us the same stick as last time. Do you know what caused it?” asked Granny Smith.
“Well, I was guessing from the looks of it to be some raw, pure, and yet, discorded and complex type of magic. His description of “ancient magics” would suggest that even more.” explained Doctor Stable. “It’s not gentle or malleable like unicorn magic nor is it like gryphon magic which is more raw and forced. It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen. I can only guess that it’s ancient magic, like he suggested, or an entirely new form of magic. That’s honestly all I can say for right now. I suggest letting him figure things out on his own for now. It may take a bit of time but he seems eager and willing to let us know but keeps restricting himself. Anyway I can’t stay here for much longer, I have to prep for surgery.” he continued.
“Well Doc., thanks. I truly mean it when I say it too.” said Big Macintosh.
“Us too Doctor Stable, thank you.” said Applejack with Granny Smith nodding with her.
“It’s my pleasure.” said Doctor Stable. He turned around and walked around the corner and down the hall.
“Well... think we should wait too?” asked Applejack.
“I...Think that would be best right now also. But we should be supportive. He seemed really distant when he was awake. I hope he’s alright.” said Granny Smith.
“Eeeup.” said Big Macintosh.
Washington’s door opened and was being pushed out by stretcher by the nurse that entered. All three turned and smiled but the nurse put his hoof to his mouth and gently shushed them. They cleared out of the way and watched Washington go down the same path as Doctor Stable did.