Asthma. What is it and how is it bad? A lot of people don't know what Asthma is and people actually should. Especially if you say date someone with Asthma or have friends who has it. I'm gonna go into detail about Asthma from my own point of view since sadly I do have it.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a breathing condition when your at a loss of breath and can't breathe well. For me I have problems breathing all the times. I can do barely anything without my asthma acting up. There are different levels of Asthma. Some have it very bad like me and some aren't even affected by it. Though it always acts up at some point in their lives. It not contiguous and people can't be affected by it. Except by the fear of what is happening to the one who has it.
What is the worst that can happen if you have Asthma?
If left unchecked you can actually die. You can pretty much choke to death or stop breathing. Thousands die from Asthma all the time. I heard at one point it was what killed the most people right above cancer or even murder. It not a joke when it comes to Asthma and death.
What are the fears of Asthma?
Asthma is something to be fearful of. Not only by the one who has it but also by those who are either around them or close to them. I've actually lost friends because of my asthma because they assumed I was lazy and useless. I've been in situations where my friends got so scared I was gonna die right in front of them. Here an example of what happen.
I was at a friend's place for a furmeet and I was sleeping with them and no not sex just sleeping and cuddling when I woke. I started banging on my chest trying to breathe my friend woke right beside me and saw. He asked what wrong and I told him I couldn't breathe and be honest it was bad. I guess because of the excitement of the furmeet triggered it or what I don't know. He hopped out the bed and got my breathing machine but had no close what to do so sadly I had to do it. Which makes it harder because when your having an attack your mind only has one thing on it and it not to die. I was able to do the treatment but as I was my friend was white as a ghost. He was so scared which I understood.
Here another that happen to me years ago. I was at home and sleeping when again I woke and my asthma acted up. My got up and tried to do a treatment but didn't work well. Nothing was sadly. It got so bad I was banging on the walls wanting to breathe which sadly is useless. My mom rushed into the kitchen and I grabbed and hugged her crying. It seems I hugged her really tightly with untold strength. In the end we had to call the hospital and I was there for a week.
Here one final one that happen to me around February 2010. This was when I was dating someone that in the end showed me that he didn't give a damn about my well being. I was in my room awake and pissed. When I am pissed off my asthma acts up and well my brothers decide to come home at like 2 am in the morning which for where I am it is night. I always tell them if your not in by 11 pm. I'm not letting them in and they decide to bang on the window to my room. Banged it so hard my blind came off. Which made things worse for me and my asthma. At the same time I'm fighting with my now ex. Finally it was bad I had to call the hospital and go my mom saw me at that moment and said I was pale as a ghost. Had to stay for 4 days during that time. I almost had another attack within the hospital due to fighting with my ex. I found out he'd rather go and brag around about his junk instead of being by my side.
What triggers Asthma?
A lot of things can trigger it. Pollen, dust, and even smoke. Even emotions can trigger it such as anger, depression and excitement. Like I said in my examples. My ex and my brothers pissed me off and it acted up fast to a point where I had to go to the hospital. Sometimes even extreme coldness and heat can trigger Asthma. Sex is also a trigger yet so far I haven't had this happen yet. It hard to stay away from things that can trigger it because you never know what can trigger it.
What solutions is there to help Asthma?
There are a few things you can do to help Asthma. One is medicine. Inhalers such as Pro Air and disks like Advair can help. There also pills that can be taken. If you have no medicine please go to the hospital if you can't find medicine from other friends or family that uses the same you do. I know people say it wrong to take other people's medicine but sadly who gives a damn because if they take the same as you there no harm and beside it can be a lifesaver. Also don't listen to people that says oh put a pot of water on the stove for steam or take a hot bath. They only prolong it and sometimes makes things worse.
Final thoughts on Asthma.
Asthma is slowly shattering my life. When I was younger I could anything. Run, play outside, and other things. Then I got out of school and sadly they cut me off Social Security and in terms ended the fact that a lot of my medicine I could get for my Asthma I could get easily using Medical Aid. I haven't had medicine for my Asthma in over 5 years now going on 6 years. I've always had to use my sister's medicine. They always deny me for Medical Aid and Social Security. The system has failed me sadly it seems since they believe I have the money to pay for medicine which my family don't and believe I can work which I also can not. Asthma has also affected my relationship life. I've had people I've dated complain about my asthma all because I'm always laying around and such. If I don't have the right medicine I can't do anything such as go outside on dates and things. It ruining my life and there not a lot I can do now. All I can do is keep begging the system to actually do something before I end up in the hospital again or even dead.