a reference to the old "Leave it to Beaver" television show... in the opening credits the announcer would list the performers and end with... "and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver" I heard Matt Groening say it on a Futurama commentary and decided it was funny enough to be shared... :D
a reference to the old "Leave it to Beaver" television show... in the opening credits the announcer
"The Appalling World of Scumball". That sounds like something someone would make up to bash Gumball (as if there's not enough Gumball bashing). It's kind of like the name I made up: "Adventure Slime". I just hope an AT fan doesn't see this, or else soon the whole fan base of 10+ million will be using it to bash and abuse us.
"The Appalling World of Scumball". That sounds like something someone would make up to bash Gumball
…I really don't think this is a good time for "poking fun" at it. Do you have any idea how much this show is hated and bashed. I'm not accusing you of bashing and I'm not trying to start an argument. It's just that this kind of stuff just urks me really bad. Gumball saved me from severe depression after my grandmother died 2 years ago and it has also saved me from committing suicide on many occasions. I just have a special kind of love (or obsession) with Gumball and it just hurts me to see it bashed or defaced in any way.
…I really don't think this is a good time for "poking fun" at it. Do you have any idea how much this