As it was told, Ace Cooper has a Youtube account properly called ShadowmanACE. His first Let's Play ever was consisted of the popular horror game, Slender: The Arrival. Also, he brought in a guest host, his boyfriend Jake. Of course....Jake wasn't too pleased to notice the unwanted guest that snuck in from the bedroom window.
Slendy: I just wanted to play the game with those neighbors won't let me....
To be honest Outlast was scary at times,made me jump a few times since its jumpscares and those always get to me.But silent messes with your mind yo! Weiss: *Hugs back just as tight*
To be honest Outlast was scary at times,made me jump a few times since its jumpscares and those alwa
Ohhh, ain't it the truth? I actually wanted to play Minecraft just to get on the Vox Populi server....but that place is always full. Heck, you can't even join it anymore!
Yuki: ^_^
Ohhh, ain't it the truth? I actually wanted to play Minecraft just to get on the Vox Populi server..
i love this art. emotion quality and also love the over spamming of product placement XP though i will have to say im proud that i never follow internet treads and havent played slenderman. though like you yuki.. im to easily scared though it only happens when it comes to certain situations.
i love this art. emotion quality and also love the over spamming of product placement XP though i wi