Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on December 23rd, 2011 10:53 PM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 370 views and 67 favorites.
Things sometimes have a way of working out, and turning for the better.
...like how the recently-announced Pokemon/Nobunga's Ambition crossover clearly has Mewtwo as good-aligned, given the character he's paired with.
...like how I just so happened to be checking deviantArt when delthero (better known on his DA - https://delthero.deviantart.com/ ) just posted a journal offering commissions, and how I just so happened to have the perfect idea to go along with it.
There has been much villification of Mewtwo in recent years. From his initial character in Mewtwo Strikes Back, I can understand that. But so many things have changed since then. Mewtwo Returns should have all but eradicated his evil side. The manga shows him as a driving force for the protagonists. This recent Pokemon crossover should do well for his image, also.
Having said that, this work from Delthero is indeed a statement piece - the statement being "What's it going to take to get everyone to stop casting Mewtwo as evil in their fan works?" Hopefully the good-aligned canon Mewtwo works keep coming, and continue to make the idea of Mewtwo as a ruthless evil creature make less and less sense. Until then, I'll continue doing what I can.