Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on July 23rd, 2009 04:34 AM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 127 views and 15 favorites.
After a long few months, we have the final commission from tbfmoldart. In all storylines where Lightest doesn't exist (the ones that don't involve The Traveler's Trilogy that I've linked to earlier), my backstory for Lucas is that the original Mewtwo had a hand in transforming him from his human self.
The two of them are sharing a tender moment, tails entwined, just enjoying each other and knowing they'll be together for the rest of their lives.
TBFM, thank you for all your hard work, dealing with my insane commissions, requests for edits, and churning up art faster than I ever thought possible. I'll definitely be commissioning you for more art in the future; thanks for the pr0n, lulz, troll art, and general WTFery!