Character Sheet for Eustace
Character Description
He's tall, over seven feet tall, weighing in at over 500+ pounds, he hails from New Zealand before moving to the United States to escape the overwhelming amount of people gunning for his bounty.
Tough guy with a softness for all things adorable.
his likes are food, fighting, girls and winning fights. His dislikes are losing, rejection and competition
He once worked as a bouncer at a club until he was fired for accidentally killing a warlord and now his head is up for grabs for a 2,000,000 NZ dolar bounty. He had to fight all odds before reluctantly escaping his homeland to the US for refuge.
He hails in the beaches of New Zealand for some relaxation after being fired before having to move out to the US in California where he found comfort in the warmer areas.
He has dark green-ish skin, he's got a x-marked scar on his proboscus from his last fight he was in as a bouncer. He is a big dude, barrel-chested and beer belly all in one.
He mostly likes to wear jeans and sometimes wear his tape whenever he's about to get into fights.