Free CUB Art ( I CAN take non cubs and turns them into such as well. )
Open to all genders, all species .
IF interested in a freebie please do the following.
Watch this account ( As this is as a thank you for my watchers )
Post your ref below in comments section - If your sona is not already a cub, please let me know if you want a baby cub, or more toddler cub. ( Baby = diaper, Toddler = Shorts/pants/dress - also please let me know what color diaper or clothing you'd like, as well as if a toddler if you want shorts and shirt, or pants or dress.)
I will just be doing a few in between work.
Have fun. XD
Also CLEAN only for these: You CAN however ask for couples pictures between cubs, like play date with so and so, or eating together ect.
Please do not fuss if you are not drawn.
Disclaimer: ALL freebies drawn WILL be posted.
( I often hold free things to help me steady my hands before commissions, or just as thank you's to my watchers. )
11 years, 1 month ago
10 Dec 2013 23:13 CET
Initial: f9edd7181b149abe7f23f7d344efada6
Full Size: 4b33c9a0eee5860326c85fad4171581d
Large: 4b33c9a0eee5860326c85fad4171581d
Small: 0c061cee0d8c2e547ad0a83ec7ef8f12
1 favorite