Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on October 3rd, 2008 12:17 PM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 82 views and 2 favorites.
Yes, I drew rawr . The alignment of the 3 blue moons and the booze was right, I guess...
It has been 10 years since I last felt like trying to draw anything at all. Characters, cars, guns whatever. For the past year or so I have been hanging out with a handful of artists when I am home from work that like to OC a lot and I get to sit and watch them chat and draw. Rawr has been one heck of a guy to me, drawing/doodling so much random junk that’s kept me happy, inspired to even make a new character (Fizzles, exists in Rawr’s world), develop some more on Kendall’s personality…. I owed the guy to at least TRY to draw his character.
And like 10 years ago when I was prodded by a handful of my friends to get back into drawing, the second I actually set that pencil down on paper, it hits me on how very challenging it truly is to draw. How you artists can do it so well and make it look so easy always blows my mind… And I have great respect for any that can draw. The huge mountain I’d have to climb to get to be ‘good’ is just not in me to want to do it. It also is not natural to me to create stuff from scratch. I’ll stick to turning wrenches which is natural to me.
So thank you, rawr, for being such a cool guy to hang with and awesome art skills you have… and THANK YOU to the rest of you artists out there for showing the rest of us your awesome works. You’ll always have at least one fan backing you up.