Woah! She looks marvelous! *o* I bet that my friend would love to give her some mead and cream if she's into it~ >;3c (he's a werewolf and as big as she is~)
Woah! She looks marvelous! *o* I bet that my friend would love to give her some mead and cream if sh
Wow.. Such a hung girlies! ^^' Fresh from Mother Russia, i presume? XD As we say it on my primal land: "Our wemans stand side by side with mans and no one have more strongest than ours! They could cook you a dinner, stop a running horse or enter a building on fire unfrighten! Never you'll find like a russian woman!" Well, that's also a poetry, which kinda hard to give by simple words, but pretty much like that! ;3
Wow.. Such a hung girlies! ^^' Fresh from Mother Russia, i presume? XD As we say it on my primal lan