I think I will do these from here on out in groups of 10, because it's easier. and so it's time for part two of the eggs. so here's what's up now...
#11. a Ducklett egg, and that plumage shape was fun to attempt.
#12. an Igglybuff egg, simple in its complexity. the official Igglybuff egg is colored like this with spirals, though the thickening of the llines for these spirals could've done better... limits suck
#13. a Moltres egg, one of the original eggs that started it all. the official Moltres egg is a polished version of this, but I like how this turned out... and man was this a bitch (stupid lasso tool)
#14. a Munna egg. I like how this one turned out, though getting the flowers right was an interesting challenge.
#15. a Caterpie egg... simple enough.
#16. a Miltank egg. I had to look up the spots on the back of a Miltank to get the idea for this one and I think it went well.
#17. a Swablu egg, and a very fun egg to do. rather fluffy stuff on the buttom, like Ducklett's egg
#18. a Snubbull egg. I'll be honest, I didn't know what to do here, so I went with how the body looked and bollowed suit accordingly
#19. a Misdreavus egg... I wanted to do more with this one, but what I did was enough... stupid line tool bit me in the ass...
#20. a Weedle egg... I wanted this to be just plain yellow, but I added the spots in light of the 'feet' that a Weedle has.
MTC, MTC, and please, no cooking these eggs
11 years, 3 months ago
05 Dec 2013 03:06 CET
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