Character Sheet for Kaguya Taketori
Kaguya, Kagu, Tsukihime, Watermelon
Female (or herm, depending on environmental circumstances)
Character Description
A Watermelon flavored vulpine sentient. She hails as a princess from the moon of a life-sustaining planet, which many scientists believe to be Gliese 581g. As a plant,she is able to take in light and make food via photosynthesis. She is also gifted with telekinesis.
Quiet, manipulative, crafty.
Likes: Those of the lower castes, eating brisket by hand (will eat a whole brisket roast by herself) LGBT sandwich (Lettuce, Guacamole,Bacon, and Tomato)
Dislikes: Wrinkly old perverted suitors. (though she is old herself.)
Banished from the Royal seat of The Lunar Domain, she was given a chance to regain her crown if she met this requirement:
Scientists of the Lunar Gliesian Federation discovered a planet similar to theirs that could sustain life. This was Earth. encapsulated, she was sent to discover the unknown planet. However, her family expected her survival to become minimal. Instead, she lives with the Taketori family, and thus has their name.
Mother and Father are theocratic royals, responsible for the production of Planetary moons.
Mother: Diana, Goddess of moons
Sister: Siri, Current heir to the Gliesian Throne
Set in a universe similar to The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
She is petite, size 32 A Has hairlike cilia in placement of fur. Longer cilia for hair.
Her basic coloration palette is green. Has eyes of Quartz
Has a defense mechanism that allows her to spit out seeds
She alternates between an ornate kimono during festivals and holidays. Wears regular casual clothing like t-shirts, jean-based bottoms. (skirts included.)