.... well, not actually, so do not fear! Vera is just like a big warm sleeping bag inside (or so she tells us. How bad would it be if this were just a clever ploy?! LOL!), and so we'll all be fine.
But what better art to post on this Thanksgiving VoreThursday! Have a happy TurkeyDay... or FennecDay.. or whatever (or whomever) you'll be nomming. ^.^
Artwork is by :iconVera: Other characters are ...
Effigia (the snake) by :iconVera: Etheras (the fennec, being eaten), by ... :iconEtheras: (that's my main acct) The 2 huggers are by :iconButterCreamBunny: and :iconLycanscar: And the one already sleeping inside also belongs to :iconLycanscar: ----- If you enjoy seeing Etheras being vored, check out Defeated! (by Nate Day).
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