Been a wile since I drew Sora the wind goddess and a really long time since I drew Rudra the wind God. (Sora's evil twin brother)
What is going is there fighting over the power of the Sky blue chaos emerald that there wind powers come from. Rudra being the evil twin wants both halves so he can destroy all of Mobius and he is willing to kill her sister to achieve his goal. his favorite place to be is the Marbel Garden ruins on Angle island.
Sora on the other hand being the Good twin wishes to keep the her Halve away from anyone. She even won't give it to sonic and his friends cause she scare that if they got it they would Return her back into it. she also doesn't the two halves cause she thinks if she has it will corrupt her. her location is always different but she has tried to get in touch of the Zone Police for protection.
I decided that there going to be Flying Fish cause there hasn't been any mobion flying fish OC to my knowledge.