This is Snoe, another original character from my original comic story. She is a human-alien hybrid who is 1/2 South African descendant of the Bantu peoples (Sotho) and 1/2 ice type Ethno (the alien species she's mixed with). She is native born on the alien planet of Nibiru at the planet's southern ice cap. By the story's plot, Earth has become uninhabitable because of human activity and has lead them to invade Nibiru and kill of the indigenous Ethno peoples in order to do so. Snow's mother was a South African human who was supposed to lead a invading human platoon to the small ice village of, what is now called Sotho, to kill off the alien Ethno inhabitance and begin building a human base. Instead her mother discovered the harmlessness and whole-hearted kindness of the Ethnos and became friends with the Ethno ice villagers. Although Snow's mother became banned from the human Coalition Of Colonies (C.O.C) she continued to protect and live with the southern ice Ethnos and even fell in love with one of the males there, thus giving birth to Snow. Now years after her mother's assassination by the C.O.C, Snow becomes trained by her father in the art of cyrokinesis and till his day devotes her life to defending her home southern ice village of Sotho from the global Ethno-Human War on Nibiru.