bleh, i saw that once. After that i could not eat icecream for a month, course ive seen pain Olympics, and i think it was 3 guys one hammer, or something like that, even one man on jar. x-x that was just painful to watch,
bleh, i saw that once. After that i could not eat icecream for a month, course ive seen pain Olympic
well, art in any form will find its way, even if it only has a "hoof" full of followers, some people love twisted tings like that. trust me on that. -nudge nudge- I happen to love a certain Hannibal Lecter, pink pony along with a masochistic Fashionista. The masses will see these shock videos as "bad" but some people will get there sick kicks from it, but hey shock videos have there use. but ill leave it at that. what is good for the goose my not be right for the gander, or how ever that shit goes!
well, art in any form will find its way, even if it only has a "hoof" full of followers, some people