No shit, The popular gallery the recent gallery the writing and audio gallery all have quite the abundance of them, My solution is block it and everything to do with it, and i make no limits on how far that goes. if you do block you'll see a dramatic change in the popular section (front page only) and recent (again front page only) of actual works that deserve better looks into. Heh even now I'm wondering what to do now that you've made this image, cant tell if its a message of cautious rebellion or laid back acceptance of what is happening to this site. I'm hoping its not the latter.
No shit, The popular gallery the recent gallery the writing and audio gallery all have quite the abu
So hate is the lack of care or like for a particular brand style or theme of something? your Hate's definition is not the same as mine. and hate is everywhere and becomes an empty word eventually, with people saying "i hate my job, i hate this house, i hate that one celebrity for hating that other celebrity" Basic human emotion whittled down to an empty husk of a higher definition. A general dislike of something is not hate and an absence of like is not either :)
So hate is the lack of care or like for a particular brand style or theme of something? your Hate's
Let me dumb it down for you, since obviously you couldn't understand my point previously.
"solution is block it and everything to do with it" Made you sound like a typical hater, and a dick, and thus, to follow suit of the patricular mood the comments were going, i followed suit with a simple and blunt message to you, in hopes of quelling whatever negative comments you had about someone else's interests.
Hope that cleared things up for you, if not, i don't see how i can help you further.
Let me dumb it down for you, since obviously you couldn't understand my point previously. "solution
I kind of find it offensive you're having to "dumb down" anything on me getting nothing wrong in this situation but you continuously confusing me with your very skewed perception on things. I'm just trying to tell you how things are differently perceived between us. Lets use that origional quote of "My solution is to block it and everything to do with it" thats not the actions of a hater and please refrain from calling me a dick i'm very polite with you and not name calling here so your actions are highly childish in nature. Here's a scenario A man chooses Burger king over KFC for lunch since he has had poor experiences with KFC in the past, He stops no one else from going there he himself just does not go. Does he hate KFC? does he hate poultry? no, he's selectively removing something from his life as i have. This site has a clear abundance of the brand and by my actions i have seen a drastic change in both quality and quantity of artwork and artists, that's just for me as i have said it is "My" solution, it may not be yours or anyone else's but it is mine I remain comfortable with.
I hope this has cleared up your misconceptions and has left us both in good graces. Also It would help to be clearer and not on offensive terms with everyone who questions the meaning behind this picture, like when you will reply to Onyx123 who asks if the abundance of pony art is a "Bad thing" in your opinion, as like i was he seems confused of the statement of this image.
I kind of find it offensive you're having to "dumb down" anything on me getting nothing wrong in thi
Let me reply to that long message in parts, to better reply to each part individually.
"i'm very polite with you and not name calling here so your actions are highly childish in nature" I do not agree in your belief that I was acting in a childish manner, however noted i wasn't in a great mood this morning, so I apologize for that mistake on my half.
"Does he hate KFC? does he hate poultry? no, he's selectively removing something from his life as i have" It still does not mean you should go around recommending that others do the same, when they may not have had such an experience as you unfortunately had. Think of it this way, take the same situation you explained there, if the guy had one cold meal or something, and just didn't go there again, fine, but if he didn't go there again and told everyone that they should avoid anything to do with it as well, then he's in the wrong, and just plainly disrespecting and demeaning someone or a group of people's reputations for some personal matter that they did not play a part in. That however is what you have done, told others to just block it all, thus being that disrespectful individual.
"as i have said it is "My" solution, it may not be yours or anyone else's but it is mine I remain comfortable with." Yeah, not the "or anyone else's" part, you just tripped over your own two feet there, as you just confirmed it may not be a viable solution for some people, however if you are going around commenting on how they should just block it all, then aren't you just inciting and swaying someone's decision towards avoidance of a particular brand and community?
"as like i was he seems confused of the statement of this image." Well after checking the artist's gallery and noting no ponies anywhere, (this is only an assumption coming up) i think that this image has been drawn in the negative light by the artist, meaning he doesn't want ponies, yet they're everywhere like a plague. (not my views, quite the opposite)
As for the original comment, I'd of probably rephrased it more towards something like "If such characters aren't to your liking, you can refrain from such content appearing in your gallery by adding the relevant tags to your blocklist." Sounds much nicer :3
But yes, i do hope that this can end on a good note, and once again, apologies for the less than kind word or two, I shouldn't of jumped to such a negative mindset that fast.
Let me reply to that long message in parts, to better reply to each part individually. "i'm very po