A shoulder wound? Really? How freaking hard is it to get a lung shot? What, was the hunter just trying to sabotage her tennis game or something? And really, you're supposed to be going after the giant bucks, unless you just want to hide in a cabin and eat that doe in shame. Fucking hunters. I bet he's the kind of asshole who tries to head-shot a turkey with a crossbow bolt.
A shoulder wound? Really? How freaking hard is it to get a lung shot? What, was the hunter just
And then the thing misfires and kills his own dog because he thought he could just use a blow dart instead, and then he just ends up eating the dog because it's the only thing he's killed in weeks, yet he goes to all of his bar buddies talking about how he just nearly killed a giant grizzly bear with it and acts like he's hot shit, even though no one believes him. Fuck, I hate that guy.
And then the thing misfires and kills his own dog because he thought he could just use a blow dart i