I still have one more badge to make up too, its mostly done... but I thought I would post these for now.
There were many more at the convention that wanted badges, and I felt bad that I could not get to them all. as it is, I think i might redo the one I am currently on because by the time I got to Frankenfluff's I was starting to rush. But then, these were all free-bes because Howl has a NO SELLING rule, because of liability issues... though Auron did take me out for dinner, which was nice. Food makes me able to draw more.
For many that I do badges for, be it here or at VancouFur, this is either their VERY FIRST conbadge or THE VERY FIRST image of their character.
And my final thought.. SO MUCH BLUE AND BLACK! My black pencil crayon is gone now.. heh heh. But then this is what the replacement set is for.