Nurse Redheart will never get listened by Screw loose. She is the size of a mice, the authority is hard to get when you cannot pretend to have the strength of an alpha.
Nurse Redheart will never get listened by Screw loose. She is the size of a mice, the authority is h
panel 1: Ugh... My head is killing me Wh- What? panel 2: M-My syringe! How did it get so big! O-or.. Did my experiment fail.. I need to fix this before-! panel 3: Screw Loose! You know you shouldn't be wandering around on your own! Wuff! pant pant pant panel 4: Gah! Stop messing around, this is serious! *lick*
panel 1: Ugh... My head is killing me Wh- What? panel 2: M-My syringe! How did it get so big! O-or..