Hallo hallo, everyone! Long read below…
So I’ve got something for you peeps, so I hope you’ll find it interesting.
Now, I’ve been meaning to do an Eddie comic for a while, as the beaky babe is kind of my baby girl and I want to get her out there! People have said they’d be interested in finding out more about my characters and I have stories that I want to tell, so when I saw Marauder’s post the other day, I got an idea.
Shamelessly ripping Marauder off In a similar vein, I’ve decided to work on two things on a donate to complete basis. These will be adult works and will contain erotic content as well as other graphic material (violence, mature themes, blasphemy and outright lewd silliness.)
Once I reach a certain point donation wise (say $50), I’ll finish the next page and put it up. This is accumulative so even donating a dollar makes an impact! I’ll be revamping the site with them in mind, but in the meantime I’ll be publishing them on tumblr, FA, & Inkbunny as well and when the whole thing is done, I’ll put it up for download so you can see it in a gallery/CD format.
Now getting some porn with Eddie is fine and all, but I like to think laterally on these things. I also like to do neat things. So why not make my canon multiple choice? Here’s what I plan to do.
I have a few alternate ideas for how I want things to play out here, and I bet some of you do too! So, after a few pages, I’ll have alternate storylines available that highlight certain characters, concepts, fetishes and such. If one of those available appeals to you, then you can send your donation in towards that storyline or event and at a certain point, I’ll unlock it for you guys so that you can see what happens along the alternate route.
In addition, if you have an idea for something you want to see happen, when you donate, send it to me. If it’s good, inspires me, or fits what Eddie likes to do then I might just add it to the list (along with your donation.)
The first, as shown above, is a comic entitled Stripesocks: Working Woman, which (as one might guess) follows our ghoulish gal through a typical day in the (un)life and all the kinky, silly and squishy antics that come with it. Each page will be four color (black, white and up to two colors (most likely red and blue)), and will be set at a baseline of $50 per page based on donations, with alternate stories varying from $75 to $200 to start depending on how long or involved I think they’ll be.
It’s going to be mostly porn with varying levels of oddness.
The second is something I’ve been working on a while simply called Stripesocks detailing where Eddie comes from and how she got to be… well… her. The format will be a bit different, and it won’t trend toward eros as much in the beginning and is meant to be more serious (if more gamelike.)
If you want to sponsor a page for this particular project, you’re more than welcome to and I will put up a list of sponsors in the source code or on an info page at a future date. I will also have alternate storylines with this one as well, but you have to find them for yourself! I’ll inform you guys when I’ve completed one… but you have to find out how to access it. You’ll see what I mean. You’ll still be able to suggest storylines, however and I might give you a title to go on as a way to give you an idea of what the various branches deal with.
Anyway! I know this is a long read and I probably haven’t been all that clear on things, but I figured I’d give this a shot. Why not, right? If I don’t make anything, then I’ll keep on trucking. And if I do, I don’t have to worry about eating as much and I can save up for a few things!
All donations go to GrayscaleRain@GMail.com, that’s my paypal. If you have a suggestion, or have made a donation for one then e-mail me at that address! (Don’t put it in the comments of the Paypal transaction, please! That’s troublesome.)
If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. Just note me!
big breasts
thick thighs
big ass
wide hips
comic cover
eddie stripesocks
wasp waist
11 years, 2 months ago
17 Oct 2013 09:35 CEST
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