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Here is an updated rough draft of the Qshola homeworld H'blen. As with the Terradyne submission, If anyone wants to do a proper rendering, please do so and link me to it so I can pimp you out. Also, any ideas for improving the following details about H'Blen and it's population, feel free to comment below.
The Qshola
Planet and climate:
The planet that the Qshola lives on is called H’blen in their native tongue. The climate of the planet is very arid and similar to Terra’s with a few exceptions, the planet has one major land mass that is 3X the size of Terra’s land mass combined, the ambient temperature of H’blen is 120°C at the equator and 85°C at the poles. The planet's gravity is around twice that of Earth with an axial tilt of 5 degrees. H'blen is approximately 6AU from it's triple suns. The system that H'blen is part of is a trinary star system. The three suns are a White Dwarf, Yellow Giant and a Red Dwarf.
H'blen's day is approximately 49 Earth hours in length, and it's year is 986 days. There are two moons orbiting the planet, Gusuk and Psig. The largest moon, Psig takes 65 days to orbit the planet and has a rotational period of 3 days, it's gravity is 3/5 that of H'blen's. The smaller moon Gusuk takes 15 days to orbit the planet and like Earth's moon does not rotate and has one face towards the planet, it's gravity is approximately 1/10th of H'blen's.
The solar system that H'Blen is nestled in is part of the Eagle Nebula and is called Perdition. The three suns are called Hades (White Dwarf), J'oghur (Yellow Giant) and D'ist (Red Dwarf).
Species name:
Qshola – they are classified as a rattler-naga-taur
Gender specifics:
The males are brightly colored; their coloration is more along the neon, and ultraviolet ranges.
The females colors are the opposite of the males even their ultraviolet ranges are opposite of the males.
The Qshola are highly intelligent, devious, and aggressive. Their language consists of hissing, spitting, rattling and body posture, though there is the suggestion that they may be able to communicate olfactory and mind to mind.
Species traits:
The Qshola are a tauren-like species that should never be underestimated under any circumstances. They have two arms and four legs and a tail that is 5’ long. Their lower bodies resemble those of the terrain Monitor Lizard. It is a short thick barrel body with short legs, giving the false appearance of being slow. When threatened, the Qshola can fold their legs under their body and slither to safety or attack at lightning speed. The head of the Qshola vaguely looks like that of a hooded viper with golden, slitted eyes. Their ears are hidden in the hood, giving them excellent hearing, just like the serpents on Terra, they have a forked tongue that is used for sampling the scents in the air. However, unlike the Terran serpents, the Qshola’s senses are excellent. Their tail is capped with a set of rattles which hides a lethal weapon, a scorpion-like stinger.
The Qshola has a ridge of cobalt black fur and feathers running from the base of the skull, to approximately 1.5’ from the tip of the tail. They have a second pair of stalk-like eyes situated at the base of their tail giving them a good view from behind when raised, nearly eliminating their blind spot.
The Qshola reproduce two ways. When there are years of good food, they give birth to live young. In lean years, eggs are laid and placed in a communal hatchery , and during times of drought (which sometimes can last for about 10-15 years), the eggs are buried in deep pits lined with cold generating rocks until; it is safe for the eggs to hatch.
Natural enemies:
The Qshola have no known enemies or natural predators (that we know of at this time) other than themselves.
11 years, 3 months ago
13 Oct 2013 20:48 CEST
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