I did when I was a kid, specially in the fall. Sadly though all the tress at my parents house I used to climb have all been torn or rotted away.
It has been literally 3 years since I have really done an traditional work, and this came out in 5 hours give or take...I am excited about it, I think the first piece of traditional art I am proud of.
I may start taking traditional commissions again, but would really need to sit down and figure out price ranges. Though I may make all my price for digital and traditional. Figure out what both would cost and figure out a middle pricing. Haven't decided yet.
Anyways enjoy.
Auskie & Art © Katherine "Auskie" Flodstrom 2013
*Also this is a crappy cell phone picture, I can't have access to a scanner till Monday.
11 years, 5 months ago
12 Oct 2013 02:35 CEST
Initial: ef89f727a1519e897501f7384ed6084c
Full Size: ef89f727a1519e897501f7384ed6084c
Large: 87b19ae71e61e72b0c18d27cf1506342
Small: fa4e3b461e2020c0dd6c7eb199ee6ccb
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