Skyshadow's space shuttle aeromorph lady Atlanta enjoys a gentle ride over the waves on an inflatible 747 just like her larger machine counterparts do through the air.
Atlanta was a lot of fun to work on, especially after the resketch where I felt she had much more personality. I have experience working with fairly monochromatic characters but tried a couple of different technique to give Atlanta a greater sense of life. I worked with two different palettes of grays, warm (on Atlanta) and cool (on the 747 and background) and added a couple more colors to Atlanta herself to make her pop and warm her up just a bit more. So here she is in color Skyshadow, I hope you like how she turned out.
Hehe, looks really cute ... some hot backthrusters she has ^^ Airplane-morphs can be really weird, but if done right, really cute as well, curious about what cuddling with her would feel like ^^
Hehe, looks really cute ... some hot backthrusters she has ^^ Airplane-morphs can be really weird, b