Samantha did not know it then nor would she ever come to find that an outside source on the inner most deeper part of her mind were watching. Always watching as she stared at the lonesome silver ring upon the table. Nearest to the foot, furthest from the chair where it had been for so many years. It meant something once, had been more than silver but a unification that was severed. Now a distant memory only darkness and broken dreams lived within. Inside Samantha were five whom once were called The Heart Breakers. They had been many things before and had reached into the deepest part of that crack beneath her pulse. She had been strong but not enough above their influence. Soon enough she would break as all the rest had before them and that would be that. To leave what had been left of her and continue on to the next. They would be that name again but for the one woman they resided now, more importantly above titles and recognition was duty. Her heart was not fully broken, not yet. Nor their jobs finished, not yet.