The Origin Of Woulfe
Chapter One
The Multiverse
It is said when you want to tell a story you should start at when it all started, in this case that's kind of hard as the multiverse has no start and no end and happens to be where this tale takes place, at least to understand the whole, who, what, where, when, why, and how of this tale, this story this event.
First off we have to explane that there are multiple gods who oversee each universe that makes up the multiverse, as that's their jobs, each one is giving the task to create everything in the universe they are in charge of, all the life forms in each one. No matter how strange they might seem to other universes.
Also each God is givin helpers, underlings, to help with looking after each galaxy within each universe, and so forth and so on. This is where the titans came from, the titans being creatures of vast size and scale to help form the planets in each galaxy, this was their job after all, such as it was.
One titan named Fenrir didn't want to create planets, he was one of three brothers, the other was named Fangrir, and the third Funrir, each was a wolf of great size and power, Fenrir was bad, Fangrir was nutural & Funrir was good. As long as they were together the balance of worlds would remain.
However the gods feared Fenrir due to his vast size & power and felt it was needed to not only seperate the trio, but banish Fenrir into the deepest darkest part of the multiverse and tie him there to the roots of the world tree with a magic ribbon even he could not break with all his might.
Separating the trio thew the multiverse into chaos, things would never be the same afterwards, some universes became pure evil, some universes became pure good, some remained nutural all becuse of the separation of the the great wolves by the gods. Who not regretted what they had done over their fear of Fenrir.
Fenrir wasn't too happy about the situation as well, in fact he was plotting the downfall of the gods as soon as he got free from the magic ribbon. It was only a matter of time, for he had all the time in the muti-verse, for the titans like the gods live forever and ever.
Time marched on, the other titan wolves moved on to other projects, helping to create new worlds under the guidance of the gods, and were rewarded to create their own worlds as they wished to do so.
It is said that if the three titan wolves are ever brought together again, balance would be restored to the multiverse, if this is true, something has to be done to make it happen, no matter what the cost to do so.
Funrir was creating his own planet, the goal, to have a replacement ready for when he had to reunite with his brothers, for if they got back together they couldn't separate again for it would put the multi-verse back into chaos.
Fangrir did the same, for the same reason, they did not know when this would happen, so they tried to rush the process, each taking only a few million years to create their worlds, not the several trillion or several billon it normally takes. This did create a few minor flaws on their worlds they made.
However it was good enough to get things going down the right path to spawn replacements for them both, eventually. It just took a lot longer for it to happen then it would of had they taken their time creating their worlds in the first place.
Chapter Two
Sirius Four
Millions and millions of years later....
Warren Woulfe was pacing near the hospital nervously, he knew this was a gamble, after all the planet has had a history of there being more males then females, this is why they had gone test tube ages agao, that and the males were getting bigger as the females got smaller and no one was sure why, so breeding was out of the question.
It was always three sons being born. The females life spans kept getting shorter as time crept forward while the males lived longer and longer life spans, it was like some weird joke was being played on the planet, Or that someone rushed making the planet in the first place.
Warren shook his huge head, parish the thought that the great wolf would made a mistake like that. He looked down at the tiny hospital, 100ft wolves rushing in and out of it, this was the average size of wolves on this planet. Few were larger, even fewer were larger still like Warren is.
In fact the entire Woulfe family was made up of wolves that towered far over the rest of the population of Sirius Four. As if by design or just random luck of super strong genes, as well as crazy long life spans on top of that. This is why Warren was nervously pacing back & forth more then anything else.
If this trend continued his sons would be far larger then he, as he was far larger then his dad, and so forth and so on. In fact Walter Woulfe was there waiting with his son Warren, and Wiliam Woulfe was there as well, three generations of the Woulfe family all there waiting for the news of the newest sons being born in huge tanks inside the hospital, that were going to be rolled out on this very day.
Warren looked at his brothers Pawz & his other bother Widdle, who were born when he was, if one looked at them one wouldn't know they were realated at all, as Pawz was a wolf'taur and Widdle was pretty much a pup, no one knew why Widdle was like this, it happened so long ago it was a vague memory. Warren was certain it had something to do with their mom.
How she died was a mystery, Widdle knew, but when it happened he reverted to puphood and has been stuck that way from that time forward, whatever happened it was that much of a shock & Warren never asked him about it, not that he could tell him anyway his mind stuck forever in puphood the way he was.
Warren's mind snapped to the present as the doctors rolled out his sons on beds with wheels, each about 100ft large, his sons that is, not the beds they were on, they seemed a bit small under his sons even tho' they had just been born. Well, born as they no longer needed to stay in the tanks they grew in all this time that is.
Warren gave them all names, the first he named Dinkalapikus, the second he named Hugustus, the thrid, the runt of the litter, he named after himself, his dad, his grand dad and his great grand dad, thus Warren Walter William Woulfe was born into this world of Sirius Four and things would never be the same after this.
Chapter Three
The Runt Of The Litter ?
Sometimes the world has ways of surprising you in ways you didn't think of. This was the case with the runt of the litter, he started out being smaller then his brothers but this didn't last long at all, in fact he shot up in size rather early on as he aged, rather quickly in fact. He left both his brothers in the dust as he grew well beyond them both put together.
Warren had his paws full taking care of them, he had to keep his dad, his grad dad & great grand dad, his bothers and pretty much the entire Woulfe family around to help keep the ever growing 'runt' out of trouble due to him becoming quite the site as he grew ever larger over time.
He needed all the help he could get, so even Dinky & Hugo helped out, after all he was thier younger brother, even if he was so much larger then they were. It was rough going at first but once they showed him how to be gentle with everyone it was easier to handle the now impossibly huge wolf who everyone just called Woulfe, as his name was too long to say the other way.
Due to Woulfe's vast size he had to be schooled at home, well, technically outside of the family home as he was too big for it even. He was told about the family history, the history of Sirius Four, what little was know by the wolves who lived on it that is. He also learned about the great wolf, that's what they called him, but that wasn't his name, his name was lost to the ages.
Woulfe's fur was jet back, a huge difference from the rest of the family who were mostly grey & white & tan & so-forth. This was not strange, however what was strange is this is how he got energy, he was basically solar powered, he didn't need to eat anything, this wasn't odd as far as his family went for they all had different ways of getting energy without eating anything.
Which is a good thing for if they needed to eat the planet would have run out of food long ago just from this one family of over-sized wolves. Most of the wolves on the planet were the same way as well, none needed to eat even with the wide wild animals on the planet that they could choose from to snack on if they wanted to do so or had to do so.
Woulfe learned all about the different life forms on the planet from his family, who he loved as much as anyone loves their family, but he often looked at the stars and wonder about life elsewhere, he wanted to visit one of those twinkling lights out there, he felt if he just reached out he could touch one of them. Even with his fantastic size he couldn't do that.
The five moons orbiting the planet looked like a paw-print in the sky, one big moon, four smaller moons orbiting the larger moon, who's craters did look like a vast paw-print. Woulfe often held his footpaw up to it, amazed how well it fit the print even tho' it was miles and miles away from him.
Woulfe would wish on falling stars to be able to visit other worlds, he wanted to see what was out there. The wolves on this planet knew there was life elsewhere thanks to long range telescopes & radio & other tech they had made over the years. They saw transmissions from other worlds and this made Woulfe want to go see these wonderful places himself.
Chapter Four
Other Worlds
One day it happened. Woulfe was helping his family with a brand new device, a time-space portal generator, it promised to open up space travel to the planet in ways that would make going by space ship old hat, not that anyone on the planet could fit in any kind of spaceship that could lift off being as huge as everyone was on the planet.
Now these space-time portal generators are tricky things to set up, one false move and you find yourself someplace you might not want to be in the first place. Now you have to understand, Woulfe is from a planet of giant wolves, but he doesn't know that, to him this is all natural, he had no idea he was fantastically huge.
Granted he knew he was bigger then everyone else on his home planet, but to him this was just how things were, he didn't know he was magnitudes larger then folks on other planets, as all he had to go by was video from light-years away from his own planet, scale is a difficult thing to judge when all you has is pictures to go by.
Imagine his surprise when he found himself on a planet populated by all kinds of different anthros, but extremely tiny to himself, he wasn't quite expecting that at all. One second he was on Serius Four helping setup the very first space-time portal generator, next second he was standing on a planet known to the locals as Furth.
Furth was the third planet out from the star known as Sol which was light-years away from Sirius itself, as well as Sirius Four, now granted it could of been worse Woulfe could of suddenly appeared in a well populated area on Furth and his size alone would of made folks run for the hills to get away from his vast size as folks on Furth aren't used to folks of Woulfe's size, they do have giants there, but none no where as big as he is.
Now at first Woulfe didn't know he was teleported at all as he was still in a green forested area, just that the tress were now a heck of a lot smaller, in fact to him it looked like moss, not trees at all from his point of view, the main thing that told him that he wasn't on Sirius Four was the fact there was only a single moon and his family wasn't there with him like they were a second ago.
Now at first he was scared as he was all alone on this new world, or so he thought at the time as he was far from civilization at the moment, but his fear passed as it dawned on him his wish came true, he was on another world, he wasn't sure what to do next now that he was here.
Explore, his mind told him, so he did, he took a step, heard what sounded like wood breaking yet he didn't see any tress, just the moss down by his huge foot-paws. He noticed some movement down there, he took a closer look, what he saw made his eyes go wide, it was a non-anthro wolf, but it was impossibly tiny to him.
Good thing it was running the other way or he would of stepped on it for sure, this told him to tread lightly on this world, he didn't know he was that big 'till now, he took things more carefully as he explored, good thing for the most part his paws were soft and flexible like, so he didn't have to worry so much as he walked 'round.
He soon came to a city, he didn't step near it at all, he didn't need to, everyone could see him as he was miles upon miles large to them, now he was worried, as what would the reaction be of these really tiny folks here, he ment them no harm, he was just curious that's all he was.
Granted everyone did stop in their tracks as his massive shadow fell over the landscape as he stood there before them. Time seemed to stand still, Woulfe didn't move from his spot, the population also stood still as if waiting for something to happen, a signal, a gesture, something.
Well, this is going nowhere fast Woulfe thought, he decides to wag his tail in a friendly manner and say hello to these creatures. "WURFF" he said, not realizing the power of his own voice to these tiny folks, it was like a clap of thunder to them, they all covered their ears quickly as the sound echoed around them.
"Oops" thought Woulfe, it was then he realized he could talk to the folks with his mind for he heard a reply in his head "oops is right, next time don't do that" he tried to see who said that to him, but it was difficult as it seemed to come from everyone in the area below his titanic form.
It took a lot of practice on his part to get his mind speaking to just one at a time so he didn't hear jumbled thoughts from everyone thinking all at once, besides it's also bad manners to read thoughts that might be private to folks. Once he had it under control he found that because he wasn't trying to harm folks when he first got there they weren't afraid of him.
Even tho' to him they were no more then specks, he could see them & speak to them without harming them by doing so, his gentleness showing through even with his vast size he had. After awhile he noticed a crowd had gathered 'round him, some folks were bigger then others, but still tiny to his vast form, he then learned there were giants here, not like him, but giants to the other lifeforms here.
They were fascinated by Woulfe's fantastic size for they never met anyone as big as he was before. Thus started Woulfe's adventures on Furth. He found himself in a place that didn't know of anyone like him before. He was one of a kind here, nothing like home, but he was unusual there too, even with all the other wolves on his planet who were huge, just not as huge as he was.
Chapter Five
Woulfe's new home.
Woulfe made his way back to where he first appeared & made the valley his new home, he figured if his family got another time-space generator working they'd find him here better then finding him if he moved around a lot on this new planet.