This is a reference I did for my own fursona's personal weapons, Keestan and Nekraus. These are shadow blades forged in the shape of a set of gryphon scythes for him by his mother Tensaih, when she was still a shadow dragon. The silver runes along the blades, when read from left to right as he holds them at the ready, say: "To preserve life, I will bring death".
Important reference points that are hard to show, the blades appear as smooth as polished glass, but they reflect no light, and the silver runes are not exact to this.. I kinda made some random bullshit shapes and called them runes ^v^; My terrible drawing skills for your enjoyment and for reference material.
For those that care, USA gold #2 Pencil, and prisma color pencils. yes, i goofed around trying make wood grain, it's my reference and I'll do it how I want >v<
11 years, 6 months ago
08 Sep 2013 02:44 CEST
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