Even though Jheremie enjoys performing when he is not working at the slave pens, he knows that not everyone likes the types of shows that he will get his fair share of hate from some patrons to the club he performs at. Usually he can ignore hate filled taunts from disgruntled guests, but tonight a guest took his hate towards Jheremie and Cho-Li's show as it was starting, throwing food and drink at the two, moreso at Jheremie and screaming obscenities at the two felines to the point that Jheremie lost his temper. He began making his way to the offensive patron, claws bared ready for a fight. The club's bouncers quickly intervened blocking and holding the enraged snow leopard back and away from the now scared patron who was in the process of getting escorted from the club. Once the offending guest was out of the club, Jheremie calmed down enough to tell the audience that his and Cho-Li's performance will not happen and that it will be rescheduled for the next night after he had a chance to calm down. Once he made the announcement, he ran off stage and into the waiting arms of Cho-Li where he began crying.
Cho-Li pulled the leopard into a hug, whispering nonsense trying to calm the smaller male down as they made their way to their dressing room. By the time they were in the dressing room, Jheremie had calmed down enough to listen to reason as he nuzzled close to Cho-Li as the feline gently stroked his face, ears and hair. It wasn't long before the club owner entered the room, apologizing for the fiasco with the patron and that the offending patron was banned for life from this club and all others with the same entertainment venue, and that those who were there for the show, would have half price admission to the club for the rest of the week. He assured the two that no one performing was going to suffer a cut in pay for the reduced admission before heading back to the front of the house and allowing Cho-Li time to calm Jheremie down enough to walk home.
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