What am I
I am something that lurks in the shadows I am something that attacks unseen I am something that pulls you down Holding you to the floor I am something that strikes at your weakest points the thing that wants to destroy everything you are. But not with blade claws nor blunt force I am the thing that rips at your soul something that changes the very thing that you are that changes everything you have ever known what am I
I am sometimes the face of death but sometimes I am only the face of suffering of torture and agony of despair and most of all your suffering and the one that takes everything away from you the one that takes everything you have ever known and loved and takes it from you I am the thing that will pull you low but not with any blow or stab that you could ever see sometimes I am gradual sometimes I am quick but never seen until it's too late but never felt to you until you know your fate and hardly ever painless what am I
sometimes I attack Your muscles sometimes I strike at your most vital organs sometimes I am there when you are born before you even have a chance to know how cold the world can be to your form already torn already broken already destroyed before you ever take a breath before you ever have a chance to see the world for yourself to make a life for yourself to be who you were meant to be but it shall never come to pass and you shall never see what am I
perhaps a person perhaps a torturer designed for you maybe the one that brought you for life perhaps a demonic presence sent to destroy you are maybe just some psychotic being that wishes everything you know to be unpleasant to be your prison to carry with you always but could that be true about me what am I
none of the above possibly describe me describe what I am and what I can do to and the fact that nobody cares enough to protect you to protect everyone from me to protect every possible new life from feeling my torture from feeling the pain I give you it is my gift to celebrate your birth to celebrate your life but it is obviously not the right gift not what you deserved not what needed to be done to you before you ever had a chance to take a single breath what am I
I am the cancer that eats away at your body I am the defect that degrades the muscles that you are born with before they ever get to develop I make certain that is how you remain I sometimes I attack the brain I sometimes attack your nerves but I always bring you pain I guarantee your suffering and your agony sometimes it's like I'm carried on the breeze to attack you to come after you like a plague specifically designed for you meant to remove everything you love what am I
I am disease