Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on May 24th, 2013 06:13 PM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 110 favorites.
Fat Brian - Was watching Chowder with blackspiritwolf, and Chowder reminded me a lot of Brian, so I drew him in that style. :D
Fenris Headshot - Was spending the weekend at BSW's dad's house, and I was sitting there thinking of what to draw, so I drew Fen with stylized facial hair. I got the idea from BSW's dad, because he had the same thing, and I've always liked that style, so yeah.
Jason Headshot - Jason looking all awkward and uncomfortable because that's how I was sort of feeling while at BSW's dad's house. I'm usually like that when in an unfamiliar place and meeting new people(Except I met them before during Easter, but ya know), so I pictured Jason being the same way when meeting more of Des' relatives.
Des Nubbie - BSW had actually drawn this. I just fixed it up and colored it. :3
Fenris Nubbie - BSW really got me into drawing nubbies, so I ended up drawing Fenris there on a later date, especially because there was still space on the paper. He doesn't look too pleased to be so deformed!
Brian, Fenris, Jason belong to me Des and Nubbies belongs to blackspiritwolf