There are a tons of things to say, and no fast way to say it. I'm going to try a list format.
1. This was drawn on Colors! 3D on the 3DS. It has it's own advantages and disadvantages. 1a. One HUGE disadvantage is that Colors cannot save a drawing that has been worked on for many hours (in total). So if you worked 5 hours in total on a drawing, it may just only save the 4 hour version.
2. This is the unfinished, incomplete version of the drawing. There is NO WAY for me to show you the finish version. (Because Colors! 3D is fucking retarded in it's limitations.) 2a. I know the foot looks weird. I fixed that in the final version. But this incomplete image is the only thing that's salvageable. D;
3. There is the original version of this drawing drawn is somewhere on the internet. I redownloaded it and upgraded it with just about better everything. (Or would be if the program didn't suck).
I hate everything. ᕙ(`皿´)╯
After a long series of confusion, the true original artist for the base is
Yeah...I hate it when it only saves only so much of the picture....- . -;;; (happens to the majority of my pictures...) But this still looks really pretty no matter what. :3
Yeah...I hate it when it only saves only so much of the picture....- . -;;; (happens to the majority
If the true source is from Mobius Unleashed... then the Colors 3DS online art gallery may contain tons of plagiarism. (That's where I found the "original" pic.)
ಠ_ಠ If the true source is from Mobius Unleashed... then the Colors 3DS online art gallery may conta
Yeah. The only difference between this pic and the MU pic is that in the MU pic, Cosmo's using a dildo, and she's facing the other direction. I could probably link you to the original (granted, posted elsewhere) in a PM if you'd like.
Yeah. The only difference between this pic and the MU pic is that in the MU pic, Cosmo's using a dil
To be exact, it's actually about this pic: the above pic but stolen with no attempt to identify the original artist or clarify that it's not a trace.
To be exact, it's actually about this pic: the above pic