Sonic Post-Apocalyptic Future Sonia the Hedgehog Bio
Sonia the Hedgehog
Clothes: Her outfit, gloves, shoes, and a military vest.
Weapons: Colt Python, M4A1 Asault rifle, broadsword, and combat knife.
Love: Brothers Sonic and Manic. Mother, Queen Aleena.
Others: A robotic suit built by Queen Aleena.
Bio: Sonia the Hedgehog. Daughter of Queen Aleena and sister of Sonic and Manic. She was the princess of Mobotropolis. When the outbreak came, she and her family left town. Sonia became a great fighter and she's impressive with a sword like Cream. Aleena gave her a robotic suit which will keep her safe from anything. She's hopes that one day she will soon be reunited with her brother, Sonic. Sonia will never give up no matter what.