Sunni: You’re not my mother!
Whiplash: I’m old enough to be your mother!!
Sunni: We don’t know that, you don’t even remember who you are or
how hold you are.
Whiplash: Ughhh I don’t know why I even bothered to save you.
Sunni: .. Don’t.. Don’t say that. Don’t you Damn dare say anything
like that unless you really REALLY mean it!
Sunni: *I don’t know what’s happened to me, and I don’t even know this woman… but the way we argue, its like we’re family… But theirs no one but me and my parents. But I don’t want to be away from her.*
Whiplash: *Damn this Brat.. Why did I even save her, why did I feel something for her. I don’t know anything about her and yet shes like a I donno a like a something ughh. did I really mean that. Damn it no I didn’t fuck why did I say that. Fuck you, you little brat I’d save you again and again. Damn it.*
Sunni: Hey.. Hey Whiplash…
Whiplash: Yeah kid..
Sunni: You didn’t mean th
Whiplash: No.
Sunni: … Ok. Thanks.
Whiplash: … Sure thing squirt.
Sunni: Hey Whi…
Whiplash: AUGHH WHAT. I’m Trying to sleep.
Sunni: Lets never argue again ok?
Whiplash: Ok runt… Just always agree with everything I say from now on.
Sunni: I’ll agree if its not stupid deal?
Whiplash: Deal.
Sunni: Hey..
Whiplash: ghh what.
Sunni: Chicken Butt.
Whiplash: I’m giving you a noogy when we wake up. Night kid.
Sunni:… Night Whiplash.
11 years, 6 months ago
19 Aug 2013 03:14 CEST
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