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AllesiaTheHedge's Gallery (108)

Last Minutes....His first Regret ever....

Scourge's Evolution
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Scourge's plan in killing his own father is never an exception...... At least according to wiki.


archie 1,856, scourge 1,582, issues 116, anti-jules 8
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 11 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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11 years, 6 months ago
*cries so hard* I love this so much even if it's just sad ;_;
11 years, 6 months ago
O,O I never thought it could be such emotional. ^^; But yeah it kinda has hints of truth.
11 years, 6 months ago
I'm having overly emotional feelings with some pictures I see... this is one of these pictures ;3;
And DAMNIT JULES! You could have prevented this if you had just spent time with lil Scourgie ;_; Was a damn hour of playing ball with your son so much to ask for??
I like this pictures you made with them because I also see it in that way, that Jules would realize how much he screwed up as a father if Scourge had really been the one who ambushed and killed him..
It's not exactly told but I also believe Scourge could really have killed his father, I can imagine that Scourge would finally have enough of this neglecting behaviour his father had and just let his anger out at him..

ffffffuck, long comment :'D To sum it up... I like your drawings <3
11 years, 6 months ago
lol Nah but hey I like long comments C:

Yes, that's totally right only if his father knew of consequences before it was too late. No matter how angry Scourge was, he was deeply hurt inside >: There's something that made me wonder what happened exactly to his uncle or mother. Probably his family has fallen apart during his childhood possibly. Pretty much opposition to Sonic's folks.

Aww well thanks C:
11 years, 6 months ago
Yay :'D Me too but many people are too lazy to write so much :c

Yeah but if they had fallen apart and his father never cared for him or like Jules would have put it "too busy with work" there is the question why he kept Scourge at all.. :/ I assume his mother and uncle didn't care either and just left.. damnit, poor Scourge had no one to go to because everyone was stupid, retarded, selfish or an asshole ;_;

you're very welcome <33
11 years, 6 months ago
ftgyhjmk Right now I have an urge to do RPs based on Anti-Jules's past. u,u;

Yes it's true that they're lazy to leave long comments, but not as long as there's own interest. Like if you like something else and I don't then there's no way I'd leave long comment lulz. That's what I thought so.

My another theory could be is that his mother had kind of accident that would change Anti-Jules's life forever, and his big bro probably could've been too sick of everything or never liked Bernie, either that Scourge did get on his nerves. I've developed this a little bit after I saw one of AziultheArtistFoxx's drawings. Maybe that's how his father became a little bit cold infront of Scourge. omfg..
11 years, 6 months ago
afhdjkf oh my, really? <w<

wow now that is pure truth right there o,o then again not EVERYTHING should be written in a comment for a picture I don't like..

oh my I love her art too ;_; so if his mother died or had an accident or left and Chuck left because he couldn't stand Scourge/Bernie/the whole situation I supposed this idea could fit too... so Anti-Jules blamed Scourge for how things screwed up for him then... instead of searching for faults in his own actions.. *sighs* family tragedies are always so dramatic :c
11 years, 6 months ago
Yes, yes. Maybe you never knew, but I am a RPer C: I used to RP Sonic's folks for years.

Wow that's what I thought exactly! I mean I was about to tell ya more, but you got it like Anti-Jules blaming his own son for everything since the first tragedy. So much true and totally sad ;A; Couldn't agree with ya anymore! >:
Or let's say Chuck couldn't stand her because she was a part of gang I suppose? XD *shot* Then when the accident happened Jules begged him to take care of Scourge....He hardly did, though I believe there were some very little affection but faded away.
11 years, 6 months ago
OMG ;3; I'm actually an Rper too though most of the times I think I'm playing WAY out of character :< Mostly I'm having yaoi-RPs going on right now

Oh god our thoughts are so alike! ;^; And I swear I don't remember reading your thoughts before! D:
Chuck's thoughts were probably like "I'm not taking care of that bitch's brat! >:c" Yeah, sounds reasonable too... I guess they were all kind of jerks... no wonder Scourge turned out the way he did.. with such family conditions D:
11 years, 6 months ago
Lol Yaoi.....I once had some incest RPs with Jules and Chuck- *shot* I even had Bernie and Chuck as well- *double shot*

It's fine x3 I guess someone's drawings inspire so much as our thoughts tend to be same~ lul.
Exactly! I sorta feel bad for poor Scourge >: Yeah story, family, all in psychologically way....Reminds me of this photo: http://biancageorgiana.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/vio... That's how Scourge turned out like >: Or worse he could've been bullied before, either in school.
11 years, 6 months ago
I am currently having an incest RP with Scourge and his father(not main-couple though) *ULTRA SHOT* dhfdkjghsdfkjgsdhkl and i ship Jules and Chuck as a couple too! Why do I find this so cute? Aaaargh XD *KILLED*

If he DID get to go to school... maybe his father neglected him so much that he didn't even bother to send him to a school D': Maybe he was bullied on the streets and developed his badboy attitude there so he can defend himself against all those assholes...
Damnit, after all those years of being neglected, probably scolded for no reason it is not surprising Scourge built up such a grudge against his family.. makes me cry even more when there are pictures about him and his father making up after so long ;^; I don't think Scourge would find the will-power to forgive his father if he would have survived the attack and tried to finally make up with him after so many years.. Scourge would just be too hurt to accept him :<
11 years, 6 months ago
REALLLY- *nosebleed* Oh man that gotta be faboo then! I had a RP like that, but Sonic and Jules. Super Affection~ XD

Jules: That's no Yaoi
Chuck: Neither Incest
Jules + Chuck: BECAUSE we're bros~~ Brotherly Love~

XDD Oh boy we're building up a very nice story OuO Or what if after many years, if he was still together with Fiona and learned how to love cause he was too concentrated on himself (makes a lot sense why he became such a womanizer lulz) He probably would be still interested to hear about his past and....went to search for his uncle that neglected but barely offered affection as well? *lalala* So many ideas fufuufuufuf XD
11 years, 6 months ago
Why does this family have to consist of so many sexy hedgies!? ;3; It is impossible NOT to ship them! XD

Oh my god guys, you're so right! D: It's brotherly and fatherly love! :U

Oh my god this is getting good :'D And I could even imagine Anti-Chuck to deny even knowing Scourge at first (because he was blue last time Chuck must have seen him) This must be a real shocker for him.. moreover I'm sure that his uncle would have some sort of grudge against Scourge for ambushing his father(aka Anti-Chuck's brother)
11 years, 6 months ago
Lol dunno? XDDDDDDD

Or if Chuck had left a long time ago before Bernie's accident or whatever, he might've not known about this tragic incident: killing his own father. And Scourge might've lied about it as well-! O: Then there we go with his own strong emotions and flashback of his past.
I wish Archie Issues did work on it like that. >:
11 years, 6 months ago
oh please like Archie would come up with something awesomely emotional like that :c The day they work on Issues like that I will go out and hug every person I randomly run into! <3 Oh and I'll move my ass all the way to your home to hug you too :'D

Oh my god... argh, I don't think Scourge likes to talk about this either I mean.. since he doesn't get into details about it maybe it could have been more of an accident rather than an intended murder :< And he just bragged about it because he thinks it makes him look weak if he said he didn't want to kill his father... oh god... such things are always great story material
11 years, 6 months ago
Oh man, the longest conversation we had ever~~  OuO/

Lol, that would be awesome! Nowadays these issues.....bleh I don't know them anymore, I mean redesigning the Freedom Fighters, especially Bunnie, Antoine, Sally and such? If Sally will get a new look, it may affect her family lol dunno XD
Omg come here then~ Lemme huggle ya like a real cheeto~  x3

I can imagine Scourge trying to fight back the tears despite of his badass look and his uncle would try to comfort him? D'aww!! I must draw this omfg....Exactly or if his father could've fallen gravely ill, either that way. Then one day Scourge probably would wonder himself like: "Did....they love me ever.....?"
11 years, 6 months ago
First conversation we ever had and it's so long! (/*w*)/

Honestly, I don't really like Sally's new design :3 Her old one looked.. I don't know.. more natural? XD I think they should have kept her face the way it was, at least :c I don't like the "new" Sally XD

Oh god yes, yes draw it! I demand you to! Do iiiiit!! ;^;
*gasp* D: "depressive thoughts and close to crying moment" INCOMING! Oh shit now I want to kick their asses and make them make Issues about that QAQ
11 years, 6 months ago
Mhmm! Her old look is best one ever~ It lasted about 20 years? Now they want to put some modern shits on her? >>;
I don't like her new look either~ It made her look super ridiculous, especially with her derpy eyes lulz.

I SHALL! :DDD x33 I hope people won't mind me doing only sketches XDDD
11 years, 6 months ago
Oh god when I saw her new design the first time I was like "That's NOT Sally! Sally is prettier than that!" D: I can't believe what they did to her :c

I don't care if it's a sketch I will kill the 3-stars fav button either way XD
11 years, 6 months ago
Lol :3 *hugz*

But yeah she looks so horrible, especially with these bracelets and clothes >_>;

Lol I'd like some color but I have many commissions to do LOL.....
11 years, 6 months ago
ugh argh i want the old Sally back ;_; I'm not really a fan but I think she's an ok character :3

well, work first and then the fun :'D
11 years, 6 months ago
Lol I wonder when this convo will end ever? XDD *shot and more replies- shot*

Nah sketches can be done in short time, I can't work all time on commishes cause I'd get bored lul
11 years, 6 months ago
It won't end unless one of us runs out of ideas! :U *SHOT*

My record was that my lazyness went so far it took me nearly a year to get 5 commissions done :3
11 years, 6 months ago
I'm already running out of ideas >: *explodes like hell*

Omg really? I managed to finish 5-7 commish in 3 weeks of this year, at least I think.
11 years, 6 months ago
Damnit nooooo ;O; I like our conversation!

Well.. what can I say? XD; I'm lazy it depends on my mood :'D When I'm really motivated I can get that number done in less than a week :'P
11 years, 6 months ago
Oooooh so nice~  C: Why don't we just chat anywhere else than here? XD Cause.....*looks at people spying*

You lucky XDD oAO
11 years, 6 months ago
Hmmmm that is a good idea :'D Private Messages maybe? :3 Or.. *just asking out of curiousity* You have Skype? :'D

That is very rare though XD
11 years, 6 months ago
I have Skype o3o *deletes Message* What people it was nothing :P
11 years, 6 months ago
<w< ... >w> ... me too, may i have the honor to add you? ;w; you read nothing, people! oAo
11 years, 6 months ago
Private Message

o3o/ >>>>>>End of comment<<<<<<< Sorry pervy people. =u=
6 years, 1 month ago
AHHHH,please tell me you save the photo.It leads to a 404 not found page.
11 years, 6 months ago
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* DX
11 years, 6 months ago
Sowwi >: *hugz*
11 years, 6 months ago
11 years, 6 months ago
TT.TT poor anti-jules
I keep getting these weard ideas that what if he survived? (so many weird ideas keep coming up x3)
11 years, 6 months ago
You too?! Omg XD Nice~

That's what I thought, like what if after years, years, years, Scourge had a weird dream that made him eager to know some about his past so he decided to search for his anti-uncle and there.....BOM Anti-Jules showed up! *lalalalala*
11 years, 6 months ago
maybe we should draw somethin like that (I bet Scourge seein his papa still alive and wantin to make amends for his past mistake would be nervous on if this was indeed a dream ^^)
6 years, 1 month ago
Someone on deviantart drew that!!!!
11 years ago
A bad time to have revelations or second thoughts there Jules... D8
6 years, 1 month ago
I hope he survives.
6 years, 1 month ago
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