aka: I really want to RP to release some pressure /sob And by RP I mean writing about Poland doing the sex with just about anything ughughgg let me just plug my f-list again https://www.f-list.net/c/feliks%20po/
Would you be willing to try with a total newbie who isn't familiar with your characters but likes cute happy scenarios? I don't want to waste anyone's time, but I keep seeing you put feelers out for rp'ing and, well, I'd like to give it a shot. But if my ignorance of the show would hinder things, I won't waste your time until I rectify that ^^; .
Would you be willing to try with a total newbie who isn't familiar with your characters but likes cu
; u ; I RP him mostly in "alternate universe" scenarios as a general thing. Like just the character, but not the canon story. So anything can happen! (I mean, I even have a jellyfish hybrid version of him )
; u ; I RP him mostly in "alternate universe" scenarios as a general thing. Like just the character,