I'm sort of proud of this one! Well, proud of the fact that I won it, since obviously I wasn't the one who made the sprite. A while back, Ahruon , the guy behind the sprites from Card Sagas Wars, was doing a few different contests in order to win sprites, where people had to identify different things.. Some of them were obscure screenshots or other things, but I managed to name the game that this horribly spliced file was taken from. Turns out it was from one of my fave composers, anyway, so I kind of had an advantage :U
Anyway, it's a simple sprite of Jordan in his Castlevania Groove form, readying his whip against the forces of darkness. I'm happy it turned out so well, considering it's one of the outfits I've designed!
I really love this sprite! I just wish I could get a whole sheet or something :U But oh well!