I am getting it of course, as i am an avid Pokemon fan. I think i am getting X since everyone else around me is getting a Y. But i will check on the pokemon list first, if all my faves is in Y, i will also buy Y.
I am getting it of course, as i am an avid Pokemon fan. I think i am getting X since everyone else a
Hey I am getting X also have it pre ordered and payed off. Wonder if there will be a midnight release for it I would attend for and battle everyone there :)
Hey I am getting X also have it pre ordered and payed off. Wonder if there will be a midnight releas
You already pre-ordered so your copy is safe. I am still looking for which one is the best version for me. If nothing else, i will be one who do a midnight brawl just to get a copy XD
You already pre-ordered so your copy is safe. I am still looking for which one is the best version f
Torchic with the mega stone so you can be Mega!Blaziken in Battle. Thats what they are giving, i just down't know if it's worldwide or just in Japan, though >.<
Torchic with the mega stone so you can be Mega!Blaziken in Battle. Thats what they are giving, i jus