Got watching some of the Planet of the Apes movies and well I got a bit of an idea on my own rendition of said universe. So here's my set of the three Ape species. I plan on doing one showing the human species of this universe. I'll start with a bit on their word and then go into specifics of each character.
"Our origin is shrouded in mystery. What is known now is that 50 thousand years ago our earliest ancestors were born. Little more than their forebearers they had one advantage. Language. Or at least the greater potential for it. At around that time tool use began to expand and become increasingly more complex. Eventually some 20, thousand years ago our first civilization rose. What sparked the rapid growth in brain size, language, and body plan is unknown. Some believe our ancestors were driven by primitive humans who competed with our ancestors for resources and this drove our evolution to parallel their own. However this Theory cannot stand. Examination of human remains prior to our tool use explosion shows a now extinct species of human who's brain cavity equaled that of a modern Simian. In strata of the period we find out of place objects. Refined metals, alloys, and even synthetics such as plastic. Further study is needed but many scholars today find one thing clear. Before us there was an advanced civilization on this planet and that it most likely belonged to this now extinct Human variant. This leaves us with the question. What happened to them? Is there any connection between their fall and our rise? We might never know for sure. But we'll never stop trying. As we reach for the heavens having walked on the moon and having a crew of Simians on their way to Mars reaching for the future lets not forget to look back now and again. Where we come from is as important as where we're going."- Jesceb's Journal, "Essay Intro?" scribbled in margin.
Jesceb is a young Oura, "Orangutan", age 18. He's not the most outgoing guy in the world but quite talkative once he warms up to people. Loves history and has a large knowledge base for it. He's currently studying the fields of Paleontology and Anthropology. His primary interest being the rise of Simians and the possible civilization of humans in prehistory. Jesceb is largely inexperienced socially having only had a small circle of friends and feeling a little out of place in the college setting. With Ceaver's Help though he's managed to open up a bit and found a special someone who doesn't mind the kiddy themed undies or thicker garments stored in the bottom of the dresser.
Ceaver is a 19 year old Cimp "Chimpanzee". Pretty open minded and outgoing. While never being popular per say he's never really been a pariah either. He's fairly adept with lots of technology and has a good general science base. Can't stand most Alien invasion movies. He's been friends with Jesceb for a long time and has kind of acted a bit like a big brother trying to help him out. He'd also been pen pals with Cheztin for years as well and upon finding out they'd all be at the same college he decided to play match maker and set the two up. He's rather proud of the results.
Cheztin actually 18 and a half is a Goren "Gorilla" more complicated than one might expect. A big heart Cheztin is going into the medical field having always had a strong desire to help others. He's a very good listener and soft spoken able to take the diplomatic approach in most cases. He met Ceaver on a forum years ago and the two had been online pals for years. Ceaver was the only friend who knew about the Goren's nocturnal weakness and other proclivities. Needless to say he was quite shocked to be set up on a date with Jesceb. Even more surprised to learn what he shared with the small Oura. He still feels like slapping Ceaver though for not just coming out and telling them about that though.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil info stuff here.
planet of the apes
11 years, 6 months ago
09 Aug 2013 22:44 CEST
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