This is going to be the crest for the school I"m writing about in my story Spells & Shadows, featuring my fursona as a main character but as you can see I could really use some help designing it. As you can see I suck at it. I need some professional help from all you artists following me, if you can help me design it better, I’ll credit you for your artwork and give you a place in my story…
What I need now is to put the following in each section: Fox head in the top left, wolf head in the top center, a birds head (any type is fine) in the top right and some kind of catchall in the bottom left with some design to represent the school in the bottom right.
11 years, 5 months ago
01 Aug 2013 23:10 CEST
Initial: 58a5ed2d8deb8d4ecea5cc3f8118f82d
Full Size: 8e42d4a5b2b875dac2ef9bd842f41f4b
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