Looks quote nice to me! The belly just adds something and makes himseem more believeable, but for some reason the legs and footpaws seem abit to dark like it missing some accent colors but then again am not proficent in red pandas
Looks quote nice to me! The belly just adds something and makes himseem more believeable, but for so
footpaws seem abit to dark like it missing some accent colors but then again am not proficent in red pandas
Yeah i understand what you mean X3 i wanted to do more accenting on the legs but red pandas normally just have black arms and legs. I was lucky to get a little bit of brown on the fingers XP but its how he wanted it and he likes it so im not gonna argue.
~~~ Quote by laharl140: footpaws seem abit to dark like it missing some accent colors but then
Learn somethin new everyday, and aslong as the person its made for likes it you obviously did your job splendidly :3 hehe and must admit just noticed the brown on the fingers x3
Learn somethin new everyday, and aslong as the person its made for likes it you obviously did your j