Ashley finally found his clothes! He looks so cute and huggable in this picture, done by the very talented Kohoshi over at FA. Don't you just want to pick him up and pet him?
(oops accidentally didn't hit reply ;0) Ohh yea, Ashley is a very friendly and sweet lil giraffe boy <3 He loves making new friends! I can't wait to see your female giraffe too, I'm sure she'll be so beautiful!
(oops accidentally didn't hit reply ;0) Ohh yea, Ashley is a very friendly and sweet lil giraffe boy
Well, since I personally don't exist in my universe (I don't believe in author avatars/self-inserts unless I'm in the Random Thread on WWOEC), that would never happen in my own canon (at least, not in my furry one it wouldn't). But yeah, he can have a piggyback ride from me anytime granted it's not canon. ;-D
Well, since I personally don't exist in my universe (I don't believe in author avatars/self-inserts